
Got Heart



Got Heart is designed specifically for men.

The Beads/Gemstones

Unakite- is a semi precious stone named after the Unaka mountain range. Unakite is correlates with the heart chakra and is known as the “heart stone.” It balances the emotional body with the spiritual body. The green brings in nurturing energy while the pink promotes compassion and love. This healing stone is a reminder to remain in connected to the heart space at all times. 

Unakite is a healing stone which invites us to release the tension, pain and expectations of the past and future. It encourages us to remain open and to embrace healthy relationships with ourselves. Unakite pushes us remain filled with gratitude and live in the now. Unakite also reconnects us to nature and helps with grounding.

Tiger’s-eye or Cat’s-Eye is a semi precious stone resembles the patterns of the tiger. Just as the tiger has been worshipped and respected as a god-like creature, powerful, protecting, many of those attributes are reflected in tiger’s eye. It grounds, protects, promotes strength and courage and directly correlates with the solar plexus chakra.

If you are feeling blocked, Tiger’s Eye is perfect for removing stagnant energy, blocking out negativity and cutting straight to the point. Tyger’s eye is used to focus the mind. It will cause the mind to have feeling of oneness and feel more direct in all thoughts. It makes one aware of one’s own needs related to the needs of others. 

Hematite– known as “the “Stress Stone”, is considered a healing stone for men. It is said to enhance ones mathematical ability, logic, rational thinking, and depth of technical knowledge. It is also said to ground ones creative energy to make one’s thought more practical and focused. As a “stress stone”, hematite is said to reflect negative energy back at the sender so that the holder doesn’t end up with the senders’ stresses. It is also said to help relieve pain related to muscular or joint alignment problems.”


Green is the color of nature, fertility, life. Grass green is the most restful color. Green symbolizes self-respect and well being. Green is the color of balance. It also means learning, growth and harmony.

Green is favored by well balanced people. Green symbolizes the master healer and the life force. It often symbolizes money. It was believed green was healing for the eyes. Egyptians wore green eyeliner. Green eyeshades are still used. You should eat raw green foods for good health. Friday is the day of green. Green jade is a sacred stone of Asia.

Green gemstones are used to attract money, prosperity and wealth. Carry, wear or place green gemstones around your home or office to promote balance, change and growth.

Gray is associated gray with friendship by Native Americans. Gray is the symbol for security, maturity and dependability. It connotes responsibility and conservative practicality. Gray suggests efficiency and is often used for this in the business world. Gray can also suggest lack of imagination, so should be used carefully. Gray will emphasize neutrality. Too much gray, or the wrong shades will suggest lack of character, initiative and detachment.


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