
Custom Wood Beaded Man



Custom Wood Beaded Man is designed specifically based on your request.


  1. Pick from the 3 types of wood beads in the image below.
  2. Next, decide what type of energy and or colors you want included in your Custom Wood Beaded Man and we’ll design a necklace based on your request. Below is a basic list of stones and colors that may be included in your custom design. We may include stones and crystals that are not listed below based on your request. If you already know the specific types of stone or crystals you want to include, please let us know in the contact form below and we’ll add them to the design.
  3. Submit your base payment. Custom Wood Beaded Man requires an initial base payment of $133 or $144 depending on the length chosen. Please note that final payment may vary based on specific requests and must be submitted prior to the shipping of the product.
  4. Use the contact form below to send us any additional design details along with any questions you may have.

We look forward to designing and creating your Custom Beaded Man!

The Beads/Gemstones

Wood- In Chinese Taoist thought, Wood is yang, which makes it masculine in character. Its main attributes are considered to be strength and flexibility, as with bamboo. It is also associated with qualities of warmth, generosity, co-operation and idealism. The Wood person wants to continually grow, preferably without limitations, is outgoing and socially conscious. The wood element is one that seeks ways to grow and expand making the wood person a natural leader.

Coral- symbolizes life and blood force energy. Dark red coral is used for heating and stimulating the bloodstream. Pink shades restore harmony to the heart. It is used as an aid to depression, lethargy or deficient nutrition. To its wearer coral gives wisdom and modesty, reduces stress and fears. It is used to attract success and combat foolishness, nervousness, depression, panic and nightmares. Coral confers prudence, bravery and wisdom.

Black Jasper, or Basanite- is one of the rarer Jaspers. It empowers supreme physical and mental efforts, and is highly shielding against curses, threats, and danger in high risk occupations. In polished form, it is an excellent scrying stone for discerning what is hidden. Black Jasper has the ability to take one deep into an altered state of consciousness, and facilitates prophetic dreams and visions

Green Aventurine is the stone of opportunity. You should never buy a lottery ticket without an aventurine in your left pocket. Thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth, or for increasing favor in competitions or games of chance. If you gamble or play the lotto, keep this stone in your left pocket.

The Earth produces two basic varieties of green Aventurine: Light Green and Dark Green. When you wear either Dark or Light Green Aventurine spheres around your neck, the Aventurine’s energy fills your aura and enters the physical body through your breath.

Green Aventurine brings soothing energy and balances the emotional body, guiding one toward inner harmony. It calms nervousness, anger and irritation, and helps dissolve the everyday stress of a hectic lifestyle. It is said to increase perception and creative insight. It is a heart chakra stone.

Amethyst is a high vibrational crystal, which makes it extremely powerful. In modern times it is considered a semi-precious crystal, but in ancient times, this stone was quite precious. It increases intuition, brings about healing, protection and calming energy. Amethyst, associated with the crown chakra, creates balance between the physical, mental and spiritual body.

This crystal is great for pairing with meditation. It relieves stress, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. If you have issues with sleeping, put this stone under your pillow for better rest.

Hematite known as “the “Stress Stone”, is considered a healing stone for men. It is said to enhance one’s mathematical ability, logic, rational thinking, and depth of technical knowledge. It is also said to ground one’s creative energy to make one’s thought more practical and focused. As a “stress stone”, hematite is said to reflect negative energy back at the sender so that the holder doesn’t end up with the senders’ stresses. It is also said to help relieve pain related to muscular or joint alignment problems.“

Tiger’s-eye or Cat’s-Eye– is a semi precious stone that resembles the patterns of the tiger. Just as the tiger has been worshipped and respected as a god-like creature, powerful, protecting, many of those attributes are reflected in tiger’s eye. It grounds, protects, promotes strength and courage and directly correlates with the solar plexus chakra.

If you are feeling blocked, Tiger’s Eye is perfect for removing stagnant energy, blocking out negativity and cutting straight to the point. Tyger’s eye is used to focus the mind. It will cause the mind to have a feeling of oneness and feel more direct in all thoughts. It makes one aware of one’s own needs related to the needs of others.

Unakiteis a semi precious stone named after the Unaka mountain range. Unakite is correlated with the heart chakra and is known as the “heart stone.” It balances the emotional body with the spiritual body. The green brings in nurturing energy while the pink promotes compassion and love. This healing stone is a reminder to remain connected to the heart space at all times.

Unakite is a healing stone which invites us to release the tension, pain and expectations of the past and future. It encourages us to remain open and to embrace healthy relationships with ourselves. Unakite pushes us to remain filled with gratitude and live in the now. Unakite also reconnects us to nature and helps with grounding.

Rose Quartz is a powerful healing crystal. It is the stone of universal love and is well known as the “love stone” or the “unconditional love stone”. Rose Quartz promotes self love as well as love for others. It opens the heart for forgiveness of self, brings in peace and comfort in times of grief.  Rose Quartz dispels negativity and protects against depression and aggression.

Amber– is a powerful healer and cleanser of the body, mind and spirit. It is directly associated with the solar plexus chakra to promote courage and increase self esteem. Amber allows the body to rebalance and heal itself by absorbing pain and negative energy. The bright warm energy of Amber dispels depression, while promoting a vibrant positive disposition. It is a powerful protector which cleanses and restores the aura. and a propeller for positive movement.

Lapis Lazuli– associated with the third eye chakra, Lapis connects individuals to their highest self by increasing consciousness and providing heightened perception. It sharpens the mind, strengthens the brain and opens psychic ability.

Lapis is perfect for deep thinkers and this powerful crystal, blocks negativity, increases clarity and self esteem, promotes strong and clear communication. This rich and vibrant crystal brings in high frequency energy, focus and creativity and blocks depression, stagnant energy, anxiety and stress.

Amazonite– is the “stone of hope.” It pushes past fear and into prosperous outcomes reminding us to be fluid and flexible. Amazonite is also known as the stone of truth and courage as it empowers individuals to search the self and discover one’s own truths and integrity. Amazonite brings in soothing, calming, compassionate energy, which realigns the body into harmonic living. It dispels depression, loneliness and relieves pain from trauma. 

Carnelian– is the Artist’s Stone. It restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success. Carnelian is associated with the three lower chakras, especially the sacral chakra.


Yellow symbolizes wisdom, joy, happiness and intellectual energy. Yellow means joy and happiness. People of high intellect favor yellow. Yellow daffodils are a symbol of unrequited love. Like the energy of a bright sunny day, yellow brings clarity and awareness.

Green is the color of nature, fertility, life. Grass green is the most restful color. Green symbolizes self-respect and well being. Green is the color of balance. It also means learning, growth and harmony.

Green is favored by well balanced people. Green symbolizes the master healer and the life force. It often symbolizes money. It was believed green was healing for the eyes. Egyptians wore green eyeliner. Green eyeshades are still used. You should eat raw green foods for good health. Friday is the day of green. Green jade is a sacred stone of Asia.

Green gemstones are used to attract money, prosperity and wealth. Carry, wear or place green gemstones around your home or office to promote balance, change and growth.

Brown is a powerhouse color. It acts as a grounding force and promotes stability and clear thinking. Brown is a color of wisdom, foundation, integrity, honesty and much more. It is a color that removes stagnation. It promotes productivity, action and change. 

Gray is associated with friendship by Native Americans. Gray is the symbol for security, maturity and dependability. It connotes responsibility and conservative practicality. Gray suggests efficiency and is often used for this in the business world. Gray can also suggest lack of imagination, so should be used carefully. Gray will emphasize neutrality. Too much gray, or the wrong shades will suggest lack of character, initiative and detachment.

Black relates to the hidden, the secretive and the unknown, and as a result it creates an air of mystery. It keeps things bottled up inside, hidden from the world.

In color psychology, this color gives protection from external emotional stress. It creates a barrier between itself and the outside world, providing comfort while protecting its emotions and feelings, and hiding its vulnerabilities, insecurities and lack of self confidence. In color psychology, black means power and control, hanging on to information and things rather than giving out to others.

Purple is the color or royalty! It carries a rich and regal energy. In ancient times, this color was worn mostly by royalty because it was quite costly and difficult to dye. It is also known for manifesting a sense of mystery, creativity and spirituality. Keep purple near if you’re looking to spark new ideas.

Purple brings in focus, imagination, and a sense of wisdom.  It’s blue tones are also great for relieving stress and anxiety. The body experiences a soothing energy. 

Pink is the color of love, compassion and intuitive energy. Pink is also associated with feminine energy, which is also creative and nurturing energy. This color calms, comforts and removes the anger, stress and rage. 

Pink is a combination of pink and red, therefore it is a color of passion and childlike innocence. The combination creates a wonderful balance. The darker the shade of pink, the deeper the passion. The lighter, the more purity and innocence it promotes.

White is a color of innocence and purity. It is used to bring about calm and a sense of serenity. It represents cleanliness and simplicity. This is a color of new beginnings and positive possibilities. Use this color if you want to bring in refreshing and restorative energy.


Additional information


30-33 inches, 34-36 inches

Wood Beads

light brown, large brown round, dark brown roundel

1st Color of Stones/Crystals

black, white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, any

2nd Color of Stones/Crystals

black, white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, any

3rd Color of Stones/Crystals

black, white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, any

Main Desired Energy

calm, focus, healing, protection, vitality, balance, financial abundance, love, empowering, creativity, passion, grounding, joy, psychic awareness

2nd Desired Energy

any, calm, focus, healing, protection, vitality, balance, financial abundance, love, empowering, creativity, passion, grounding, joy, psychic awareness

3rd Desired Energy

any, calm, focus, healing, protection, vitality, balance, financial abundance, love, empowering, creativity, passion, grounding, joy, psychic awareness


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JF Learrings